Alătură-te nouă,

everyone can.

ităte la ce se întâmplă cu lumea

noastră poate crezi că nimeni nu

o poate salva.

Că nimeni nu poate schimba lucrurile.

De fapt, oricine o poate face.

Oricine poate schimba un mic obicei, asumându-și

un mic obiectiv, încercând să facă ceva puțin diferit.

Este suficient? Da, dacă ne facem cu toții partea noastră

și nu credem că suntem prea mici pentru a face diferența.

A avea grijă de planetă și de cei care o locuiesc este o misiune

eroică și monumentală, care poate fi făcută doar de oameni

normali, ca noi. Poți oricând să schimbi lucrurile, atâta timp

cât nu ești singur. Nu vom aștepta ca eroul să ne salveze pe toți.

Vom începe să lucrăm la ceea ce contează cu adevărat.

Acum, împreună.

Uită-te pentru pictograma Terry,

este prezentă pe toate articolele

de îmbrăcăminte realizate din

materiale reciclate.

Our goals

Together with the Teddy Group, the company of which we are a part, we have embarked on a journey to build a future-proof brand, to integrate increasingly solid sustainability principles into our brand, ensuring virtuous management, environmental protection and the valuing of people. That is why, particularly with respect to our planet, we have set ourself goals.


To make 50% garments produced from more sustainable raw materials.


Decrease direct emissions by half and reduce indirect emissions by 51% per product head, compared to the year 2019. These are our science-based climate targets endorsed by the Science Based Targets Initiative.

Join us,

everyone can.

See what happens to our world, maybe you think no one can save him. That no one can change things. Actually, anyone can do it.

Anyone can change a little habit, commit to a small goal, try to do something a little differently. Is that enough? Yes, if we all play our part and don't think we’re too small to make a difference. Because caring for the planet and its inhabitants is a heroic and monumental mission, that can be only performed by ordinary people, like us. You can always change things, as long as you are not alone. We won’t wait for a hero to save us all. We’ll start working on what really matters. Now, together.


Search for the Terry icon,

it is present on all garments made from more

sustainable materials.

our sustainability


Our goals

Together with the Teddy Group, the company of which we are a part, we have embarked on a journey to build a future-proof brand, to integrate increasingly solid sustainability principles into our brand, ensuring virtuous management, environmental protection and the valuing of people. That is why, particularly with respect to our planet, we have set ourself goals.


To make 50% garments produced from more sustainable raw materials.


Decrease direct emissions by half and reduce indirect emissions by 51% per product head, compared to the year 2019. These are our science-based climate targets endorsed by the Science Based Targets Initiative